Attendance & Discipline

Attendance & Discipline

A minimum attendance of 75% per term per subject in Theory, Practical and Tutorial is compulsory failing which student will not granted term and will not be allowed to appear for the final examination and/or for poor academic performance and /or for poor conduct, his form may be withdrawn from University Examination.

  • Students should always wear their valid college identity card whenever in the college or it should be produced whenever demanded by any of the college staff. No student will be allowed to enter in the college premises without valid identity card.
  • In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report about it to the respective class mentor or the principal to get the required help.
  • Any damage to the college building, furniture and fixtures by the students shall be treated as breach of discipline.
  • Students should be punctual to the college. Appropriate action will be taken against the late comers.
  •  Students are not allowed to bring any outsider with them in the college but parents or guardians may be allowed with prior permission and valid reason.
  • No person, other than college staff, can be invited to address any meeting or to participate in the college activity without prior permission of the principal.
  • Students are not supposed to loiter in the college corridor or college premises.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the college premises.
  • If the conduct of any student is detrimental to the college the principal may ask the student to leave the college without assigning any reason. The principal’s decision will be final in this regard.
  • No student shall collect any money without the written permission of the Principal.
  • Discipline and good behavior are expected from the students at all social gatherings and celebrations at the college.
  • No notice shall be put on the notice boards, including black boards without the written permission of the Principal.
  • All programs, meetings, gatherings, picnics, hiking, etc. will be organized only with prior written permission of the Principal.
  • All the students are supposed to use dustbins and dispose dry waste and wet waste in separate bins kept in the campus.

D.V.S.College of Commerce

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