Personality Development Programme

Dnyan Vikas Sanstha’s D.V.S. College of Commerce Women Development Cell (WDC) had arranged Personality Development Programme in S.Y. B. Com classroom, for all the students and the resource person was Mr. Sharad Jagtap, Assistant Professor, F.G. Naik College. The seminar was attended by 55 students from the college.

He started the programme with a very creative introduction where students had to introduce themselves in a novel way. After the introduction he further explained how school and college play an important role in the personality development of Students. He also told that this is the need of the hour as it is essential for the holistic development of students and for their survival in this competitive world.

Sir discussed the student’s desires, dreams, passion and motivated them. Students were told about how important their dreams and desires are for developing the personality. It was stressed that they need to have a passion in life.
At last, Students were given tips on how to increase their personality and their self-esteem. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr. Ravi Jagtap.

D.V.S.College of Commerce

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