International Yoga Day 2023

On the Occasion of International Yoga Day NSS Unit of DVS College of Commerce in association with IQAC organized a Yoga Session on 21st June 2023, Wednesday, in Ganesh Ji Naik Hall of the College. Main motive of the program was to raise awareness about this ancient practice and to celebrate the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world. Event was started with a motivational message from our principal Dr.Nidhi Verma about fitness & yoga. Mr.Dayanand Ghosalkar started the session by explaining the importance of yoga in our daily life and how many diseases and body problems can be avoided by performing yoga regularly. He also made students perform various yoga postures and asanas, starting with warming up and stretching were followed by a series of Suryanamshkar, Padmasana, Sukhasana, Tadasana, Bhujangasana and Shavasana then Pranayam and Kapalbhati and ending with body relaxation.

D.V.S.College of Commerce

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