One Day Workshop on Basics of Excel

Information & Technology Department of D. V. S. College of Commerce had organised “One Day Workshop on Basics of Excel” for all the students of T.Y.B.Com. Workshop was conducted in the IT lab of the college. Ms. Ankita Shrivastav was the trainer for the day. She started the workshop by asking few questions to the participants about basics of computing. Further she introduced various basic three elements of Microsoft Office such as Microsoft word, Microsoft Power Point & Microsoft Excel.

Participants where explained how important it is to have basic knowledge of Excel in this advance world. Now a days, any job requires basic Excel skills. These basic Excel skills are – familiarity with Excel ribbons & UI, ability to enter and format data, calculate totals & summaries through formulas, highlight data that meets certain conditions. Financial services and financial accounting are the areas of finance that rely on and benefit from Excel spreadsheets the most.

Five basic areas of excel screen was explained to participants practically: Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, Formula Bar, Spreadsheet Grid, Status bar. How to use basic formulas and functions of excel such as Addition, Summation, Average, Count, Counta, etc. where discussed where discussed.

Workshop got good response from students. It was really helpful for students to understand basics of excel and its significance in everyday life in current time.

D.V.S.College of Commerce

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