Workshop on Effective Use of Non-Verbal Communication

Programme Schedule:

9.30 a.m.


10.15 a.m.


10.30 a.m.

Felicitation of Chief Guest & Resource Person
Asst. Prof. Ravi Jagtap

11:30 a.m.

Resource Person
Dr. Prakash Sawant, Associate Professor, TKT College

12.30 p.m.

Question and Answer Session

1.00 p.m.

Vote of Thanks
Ms. Jetal Ahir

Number of Participants:                              57

D.V.S. College of Commerce had arranged “Workshop on Effective Use of Non-Verbal Communication”, for all the students in F.Y.B.Com classroom. Dr. Prakash Sawant, Associate Professor, TKT College was called to cater the session. He said a strong communication skills can help you in both your personal and professional life.

He explained how verbal and written communication skills are important but research has shown that nonverbal behaviour’s make up a large percentage of our daily interpersonal communication. The objective of the workshop was to make students understand importance of non-verbal communication in today’s world.

Various tips such as focusing on tone of voice, using good eye contact, using signals to add meaning, looking at signals as a whole, etc. were discussed that can help us to read the nonverbal signals of other people and enhance our own ability to communicate effectively. By noticing nonverbal behaviour and practicing your own skills, you can dramatically improve your communication abilities.

Nonverbal communication skills are very important and can make it easier for everyone to convey their point and to read what others are trying to tell us. Some people seem to come by these skills quite naturally, but anyone can improve their nonverbal skills with practice.

The seminar was attended by 57 students from the college.
Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Jetal Ahir.

D.V.S.College of Commerce

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